CFME Friction Testing

Airplanes depend on friction between runway and tires to be able to safely land the aircraft. Over time, the skid-resistance of runway pavement deteriorates due to weathering, usage, aging and contaminants. The most persistent contaminant problem is deposits of rubber from tires of landing jet aircraft. Heavy rubber deposits can completely cover the pavement surface texture causing loss of aircraft braking capability and directional control, particularly when runways are wet.
We use an NAC Dynamic Friction Tester to provide friction testing services for a variety of needs, such as testing for pavement maintenance planning purposes, evaluating for pavement construction project work compliance, new runway and overlay acceptance testing, investigative services and general consulting services.
We use an NAC Dynamic Friction Tester to provide friction testing services for a variety of needs, such as testing for pavement maintenance planning purposes, evaluating for pavement construction project work compliance, new runway and overlay acceptance testing, investigative services and general consulting services.
About the NAC Dynamic Friction Tester
NAC-Dynamic Friction Tester™ is a portable continuous friction measuring device, certified by NASA, and approved by FAA, USAF, and ICAO. Currently used at 152 military airfields, commercial service airports, and highways worldwide.
NAC’s Dynamic Friction Tester™(DFT) is a smooth aerodynamic tow-behind, FAA approved for use, continuous friction measurement device that is made in the USA. NAC's DFT™ collects reliable friction classification values continuously and data results are plotted graphically every 250ft using touchscreen software technology with MicroSoft Windows operating environment. Data results can also be automatically displayed in an easy to read bar chart for full pavement evaluations used to target a specific pavement sections of the runway, such as, touchdown, midfield, and rollout. The software includes contaminate “type” drop down menu listing over 14 different types of contamination which are in align with the NOTAM reporting system. Friction results can be automatically displayed in either Mu or RCR values. All data collection is transmitted wirelessly or direct serial cable to the tow vehicle laptop or other device.
NAC's DFT uses state-of-the-art precision engineering and Green Dragon Technology™.NAC-Dynamic Friction Tester™ is a portable continuous friction measuring device, certified by NASA, and approved by FAA, USAF, and ICAO. Currently used at 152 military airfields, commercial service airports, and highways worldwide.